According to FAO 2002,  Africa is one of the fastest growing continent at  a rate of 2.6 percent per annum and livestock production can efficiently support the growing population.Agriculture being the biggest support sector for a Uganda and much of the people being farmers and keeping domestic animals,Livestock is always affected by dangerous diseases like mastitis and Foot and Mouth disease.To improve on the early diagnosis of animal diseases,we developed Foot Mo Kit  which is a hand held diagnostic device that is used to detect foot and mouths disease in livestock.It helps farmers to easily understand its  design and usage and it provides easy to read parameters through reading of results.

With high levels of professionalism,We also offer telemedical services to farmers and advisory services on mechanized Agriculture in their local languages  where a farmer accesses veterinary services at his/her convenience through calling on our system for veterinary doctors.

So,we strive and we give all our best to create a positive impact in livestock production specifically and Agriculture genberally and we are committed to improving a local farmer.
We as well locate and keep track of the number of livestock animals that are in a certain vicinity.

Footmo Kit among the big Innovations displayed at the African Youths Conference 2018 in Nairobi Kenya at the UN Offices  Kenya by UN Women and UNDP.

We also provide training to farmers on Using technology to control animal diseases

                                                                 "Entrepreneurship is Key"

FootMo Kit Company was also offered an award  for impacting Agriculture at the same event by United Nations Development Program(UNDP).


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